Why I Practice

My life has been moving faster than I feel I can keep up lately.  Transitions abound, uncertainty circulates, and confusion settles in.  My head is way too full, and sometimes it feels like I can barely make sense of it all.

Not a great feeling. 
(Though I do take some solace in knowing we have all been here at least once before!!

I titled this, "Why I Practice",  but I want to take a moment and acknowledge some feelings I have about being a "Yoga Teacher".

Without divulging more than I need to, it is always my goal as a teacher of Yoga to be as real and open as possible. 

Some people have the misconception that because someone teaches a practice like Yoga - a practice that has a lot of wisdom and tools for managing and regulating stress and imbalance - that our lives are stress free and totally amazing all the time.  


To me, being a Yoga teacher means I remain committed to my own practice, which is another way of saying I am committed to living my Life in a way that seeks to embody Consciousness, honesty, and compassion.

To me, being a Yoga teacher means I am willing to share my practice and what I've learned along the way with others - mistakes especially included. 

To me, being a Yoga teacher means it is my job to provide a safe space in which other people can get curious and learn to embrace themselves and their own Lives in a non-judgmental and compassionate way.  

As the physical practice of Yoga (asana) evolves, the poses present a greater challenge for the body and mind to remain centered and calm. 

In the same way, I believe that as we go deeper and deeper into our own practice of Life and Self-Realization, the challenges we face off the mat grow more challenging.  

Because we can handle them.  That's why we practice.  
We are ready for the new challenge.

I do not believe in coincidences.  I believe there is opportunity to learn in everything that lands on our path.  The universe does not make mistakes.  You will not be burdened with something you cannot bear. 

(Yet even as I write this, there is still a part of me that wants to question the whole theory!  Because can get really hard.  And sometimes I just want to cave in, collapse, and say "It's too much.")

But deep  within my heart, I know I can rise up. 

And that's why I practice.  Because I have strengthened the muscle of presence and courage when intense sensations and situations arise. 

I practice because it reminds me that I am not alone in this thing called Life. 

I practice because it brings me into my whole being and out of my head. 

I practice because it teaches me to be okay with uncertainty, groundlessness, and the unknown. 

I practice because it has taught me to love myself and wake up to Life instead of shying away.

I practice because sometimes that feels like the only thing I've got.  

I have chosen to share Alternate Nostril Breathing with you because this is one of my go-to Pranayama practices when I feel off, far from center, and far from myself. 

Alternate Nostril Breathing restores your sense of center, balancing the right and left sides of the brain along with the nervous system.  It's grounding.  It's calming.  It's my jam

I hope this breath serves you as much as it serves me.  


Why do you practice yoga? 

I know it feels good in the body to stretch and open our joints.... but yoga isn't the only way to do that.  We get more out of it than simply flexibility.  And whether you've ever thought about it, or whether you can name it... I encourage you to take a pause and think about why you practice. 

It would completely light my heart up to hear your "Why. " 
I dare you to share it with me!! 

...Seriously, I'd love to hear from you!

Life is a lot.  
Yoga can help. 

If you are craving a deeper connection to your Yoga practice to help you navigate Life's curveballs and tidal waves, let's set up a time to talk.  I offer 20 minute Free Consultations.  And then we can go from there. 

Until next time, onward and upward, my friends.  
Keep leaning in. 

Allie BeckmannComment